Effective Ways to Get Rid of Ants in Your Dishwasher

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Ants in Your Dishwasher


Dealing with ants in your dishwasher can be more than just a nuisance—it can also pose health risks. Ants are attracted to the food particles and moisture in your dishwasher, making it a prime location for these tiny invaders. In this guide, we’ll explore how to effectively get rid of ants and prevent them from returning, ensuring your dishwasher remains a clean, ant-free zone.

How to Get Rid of Ants in Dishwasher: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the Problem

Why Ants Are Attracted to Dishwashers

Ants are drawn to dishwashers for several reasons. First, dishwashers often have leftover food particles that provide a food source. Second, the moisture inside the dishwasher creates a favorable environment for ants. Lastly, the warmth from the dishwasher can be inviting to ants looking for a cozy spot to nest.

Types of Ants Commonly Found in Dishwashers

While various ant species might invade your dishwasher, the most common ones include sugar ants, pharaoh ants, and carpenter ants. Sugar ants are particularly attracted to food remnants, while pharaoh ants are drawn to the warmth and moisture.

Initial Inspection

Checking for Ant Entry Points

To effectively tackle the ant problem, start by inspecting your kitchen and dishwasher for entry points. Ants typically enter through tiny cracks or gaps around your kitchen. Check areas where the dishwasher connects to the sink and look for any visible gaps.

Identifying Ant Trails

Ants leave scent trails to help other ants find food sources. Observing these trails can help you identify where the ants are coming from and guide your cleaning and treatment efforts.

Cleaning Your Dishwasher

Removing and Cleaning the Dishwasher Filter

The dishwasher filter can trap food particles, which attract ants. Remove the filter according to your dishwasher’s manual and clean it thoroughly. Use hot, soapy water and a brush to scrub away any debris.

Scrubbing the Interior

Next, scrub the interior of your dishwasher, including the spray arms and door seals. Use a mixture of water and dish soap to remove any food particles and residue.

Disinfecting the Dishwasher

After cleaning, disinfect the interior to kill any remaining ants and prevent future infestations. You can use a solution of vinegar and water or a commercial dishwasher cleaner.

Natural Remedies

Using Vinegar and Baking Soda

Vinegar and baking soda are effective natural ant deterrents. Pour a cup of vinegar into the bottom of the dishwasher and let it run through a short cycle. Follow up with a sprinkle of baking soda and another short cycle to freshen up the dishwasher.

Lemon Juice and Borax

Lemon juice is another natural repellent. Mix lemon juice with water and spray it around the dishwasher’s interior. Alternatively, mix borax with sugar and place it near the dishwasher to attract and kill ants.

Essential Oils

Certain essential oils, like peppermint or tea tree oil, can repel ants. Mix a few drops with water and spray it inside the dishwasher and around entry points.

Commercial Ant Killers

Types of Ant Baits

Ant baits are an effective way to control ant populations. Place ant bait stations near the dishwasher to attract ants. The ants will carry the bait back to their nest, killing the colony.

Ant Sprays and Powders

Ant sprays and powders can be used to treat areas where ants are entering your kitchen. Be sure to follow the instructions on the product label for safe and effective use.

How to Use Commercial Products Safely

When using commercial ant killers, always follow safety guidelines. Keep products away from children and pets, and ensure proper ventilation when applying sprays or powders.

Preventive Measures

Regular Cleaning Routine

Maintaining a clean dishwasher is key to preventing ant infestations. Regularly clean the filter, interior, and door seals to remove food particles and residue.

Keeping the Kitchen Dry

Ants are attracted to moisture, so keep your kitchen and dishwasher dry. Wipe up spills and leaks promptly and ensure the dishwasher is properly drained.

Sealing Entry Points

Seal any cracks or gaps around the dishwasher and other kitchen areas to prevent ants from entering. Use caulk or weatherstripping to close off potential entry points.

When to Call a Professional

Signs You Need Expert Help

If your ant problem persists despite your efforts, it may be time to call a professional pest control service. Signs that you need expert help include a large infestation or difficulty locating the ant nest.

How Professionals Handle Ant Infestations

Pest control professionals use specialized techniques and treatments to eliminate ants. They can identify the ant species, locate nests, and apply targeted treatments to effectively resolve the problem.


How often should I clean my dishwasher to prevent ants?

It’s a good idea to clean your dishwasher at least once a month to remove food particles and prevent ant infestations.

Can ants cause damage to my dishwasher?

While ants themselves won’t damage your dishwasher, their presence can lead to contamination and hygiene issues if not addressed promptly.

Are there any DIY methods to prevent ants from entering the kitchen?

Yes, sealing entry points, maintaining a clean kitchen, and using natural repellents are effective DIY methods for preventing ants.

What is the most effective commercial product for ant control in dishwashers?

Ant baits are often the most effective commercial product, as they attract ants and allow them to carry poison back to their nest.

How can I stop ants from coming back?

Regular cleaning, sealing entry points, and maintaining a dry environment in your kitchen will help prevent ants from returning.

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Ants in Your Dishwasher


Getting rid of ants in your dishwasher involves a combination of thorough cleaning, natural remedies, and preventive measures. By understanding why ants are attracted to dishwashers and taking proactive steps, you can ensure a clean and ant-free kitchen. Regular maintenance and vigilance will help keep your dishwasher and kitchen free from these unwelcome invaders.